Emergency Response Update

The elders have decided on the following emergency response plan for the safety and well-being of the members of the Miami Gardens church of Christ due to the global COVID-19 pandemic:

We must continue to study and serve, yet wisely (Heb. 10:25; Matt. 10:16).

* Learn more about Phase 2 to begin on Sept. 20th, click here.

Communion Pick-Up:
Saturday, October 17, 2020: 11 am – 1 pm at the building; you will receive a 4-week supply. Seniors in need will have their supplies delivered.

Sunday Bible Study and Worship:
https://zoom.us/j/898826314 + Password

  • 9:00am group Bible study; 10:00am worship
  • 9:45am brother’s meeting each Sunday (link in WhatsApp chat)

5:30am Prayer Line (Monday-Friday):
(727) 731-8861

Wednesday Bible Study:
https://zoom.us/j/594135092 + Password

MEMBERS ONLY: Digital Directory

  1. Visit https://miamigardenscoc.net to begin the process.
  2. Visit https://www.instantchurchdirectory.com or download the app on IOS or Android to input your information.

Please spread the word and keep the faith!

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