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Prayer List (as of 2/9/2025)

Prayers of the righteous availeth much…
(Remember Me, Think of Me, Care for Me)


Adleane & Lymon Baker
Lindsey Baker
Abraham Bassie
Chris Berrian
Beverly Collins
Joyce Davis
Lenin Ferreras
Candy Jones
Dorthea Peterson
Rosalind Smith
Shirley Smith
Veronica Tinsley
Eddie & Rosemary Way
JT Wesby


  • Allen family – Passing of our bro. Demetrius
  • Hamilton/Dowdell family – Passing of Ernest’s cousin (Calvin Hamilton), nephew, and brother-in-law.
  • Paisley family – Passing of Beverly’s sister, Jennifer.
  • Grimmett family – Passing of Craig’s brother.
  • Coffee family – Passing of Julia’s sister-in-law, Rosa.

*Note: This list is not exhaustive of the congregation. If you would like to see someone added, please contact us. To remain abreast on the current needs of the body (members in particular), we encourage members to connect with us at every scheduled assembly, if it be possible. Brethren, pray for us!