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Online Giving

You can now provide your offering and any other church payment online through Zelle (integrated with most banking institutions) or PayPal. Please add Miami Gardens church of Christ as a payee/recipient. All payments must be sent to info@miamigardenscoc.net (a mobile number is not required).

You MUST indicate the purpose of the payment (i.e. offering 3/22/20, Lake Placid Retreat, Ladies Day, etc.).

Donate w/ Paypal

  1. Click the "Donate" button.

  2. Enter the USD dollar amount, then click the "Donate with Paypal" button.

  3. Confirm donation once logged in.

Pay w/ Zelle App

  1. Launch app, and click the "Getting Started" button.

    If prompted for permissions to access phone and manage calls, click allow. Device location is optional.

  2. Enter your Mobile Number and click "Continue."

  3. Read the Privacy & Security information, then check the "E-Sign Consent, Privacy Policy, and Service Agreement" checkbox. Click "Continue."

  4. Locate your banking institution using the dedicated search field.

  5. Click Login to be redirected to your banking institution, where you will need to grant Zelle permission to access your account.

  6. If your bank is not listed, click the "Don't See Your Bank?" button.

  7. Enter your email address, then confirm your email verification code.

  8. Complete the "Add Debit Card" screen.

  9. Complete the "Address" screen.

  10. Press "Continue" to complete your enrollment.

  11. To send a payment, click "Send."

  12. Enter info@miamigardenscoc.net and press "Next Step."

    If prompted for permissions to access Contacts, click allow.

  13. Enter the recipient's name (Miami Gardens church of Christ), and click "Confirm."

  14. Choose the bank account where the funds will come from.

  15. Enter your giving amount, then press "Review."

  16. Click "Send" to process the payment.

For additional assistance, please refer this user guide.

"Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye. Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come." - I Corinthians 16:1-2

  • Sunday Bible Study - 9:00 AM
  • Sunday Morning Worship - 10:00 AM
  • Sunday Evening Worship - 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday Bible Study - 10:00 AM
  • Wednesday Bible Study - 7:00 PM