Emergency Management Phase II

As of Sunday, September 20, 2020, limited in-person auditorium capacity (150 people; approx. 35% of capacity)

  • Mask Mandate
  • Sunday morning Bible Study and AM Worship at building only
  • Weekly Cleaning between services
  • All brothers who lead in worship must be in person

Spanish Congregation: Scheduled Assemblies
10 a.m. Bible study; 11 a.m. worship

Please visit with one another outside to minimize the noise in the hallway during their services.

Click here for our Zoom Information

Saints, we are continually upgrading our technology in the auditorium and Wi-Fi service. Thank you for your continued patience and stewardship as we share the gospel with the world.

The elders!

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COVID Vaccination Assistance (Pfizer)

As of Wednesday, April 21st, this opportunity for the vaccination has come to a close. Please refer to Florida Health if you remain in need.

Saints who would like assistance can see Bro. Gale Nelson to sign up to be vaccinated beginning, April 23rd and every Friday thereafter. First come, first served. Must provide: full name, DOB, phone number, and email address.

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Digital Church Directory

Get listed in the MGCC Member Directory:

  1. Click here to submit your name and email.

  2. Please wait 24-48 hours for administrative updates to take place, then sign up for an account at https://www.instantchurchdirectory.com or through the APP (must download first on your IOS or Android device).

  3. After creating your account, you will receive an email either in your inbox or SPAM/JUNK folder titled, “Confirm your Church Directory Email.”  You will need to open this message, and follow the verification instructions by clicking the link provided.

  4. You should now be able to log into your account. If not, please contact us.

  5. Once logged into the MGCC Digital Directory, YOU should be able to EDIT and SAVE your family information.

  6. Thank you for your contribution to this project!

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Drive-Thru Food Relief Program

MGCC and the Miami Dolphins Foundation will be hosting a drive-thru food pick up on Tuesday, August 18th at 10:00 a.m. at the building (2270 NW 184th Street, Miami, FL 33056).

Drivers must stay in your car and have a mask on at all times.

Registration is required! Click here to sign up.

Food Relief Program


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Emergency Response Update – 3/22/2020

The elders have decided on the following plan for the safety and well-being of the members of the Miami Gardens church of Christ due to the global COVID-19 pandemic:

Bible study classes and worship will be held remotely until further notice. We must continue to study and serve, yet wisely (Heb. 10:25; Matt. 10:16).

Sunday Bible Study and Worship:
9:00 AM Group Bible study; 10:00 AM Worship
– No evening worship

Tuesday Class & Luncheon
Cancelled until further notice

Wednesday Bible Study:
7:00 PM

To receive updates, we will need all members’ cell numbers and emails to create a general MGCC WhatsApp (Android/IOS/Mac or Windows) group for general communication.

Please spread the word and keep the faith!

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Emergency Response: Sunday Worship – 3/21/2020

Our Bible Study and Worship Service will be broadcast on Zoom application, beginning at 9:00 AM. App must be installed to watch service!

Click the following link on Sunday @ 9:00AM to watch service: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/898826314

If you’re unable to view service, call 1-312-626-6799 and enter 898 826 314 to listen.

A month’s supply of communion was distributed to saints on Friday and Saturday. If you are still in need of communion, please check your local Publix for Matzo crackers and juice.

You can now send your offering and any other church payment via Zelle from your local bank. Please set up Miami Gardens church of Christ as a payee. All payments must be sent to info@miamigardenscoc.net (no need for a mobile number, just this email).

You MUST indicate the purpose of the payment (i.e. offering 3/22/20, Lake Placid payment, Ladies Day, etc.).

Saints, we must continue to study and serve, yet wisely (Heb. 10:25; Matt. 10:16). Keep the Faith.

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Emergency Response Update – 3/18/2020

Attention Visitors and Brethren:
Please note in light of the novel coronavirus pandemic, Miami Gardens’ bible study classes and worship will be held remotely. We must continue to study and serve, yet wisely (Heb. 10:25; Matt. 10:16).

Our first Bible study begins tonight at 7:00 PM EST through the Zoom webinar platform. If you would like to attend, you should download the Zoom application at your earliest convenience.


To access tonight’s bible study class, go here:

To access Sunday morning Bible study and worship, go here:

Additional Announcements

  • More information to come on our online giving options. Saints need to continue give as we prosper (I Cor. 16:1-2; 2 Cor. 9:6-8).
  • Communion Supplies will be available for pickup at the building on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. More details on pickup times to be announced.If you are able to get your own supplies or pickup and deliver to others, that will assist us tremendously.

Keep the faith!

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