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Retreat Costs & Schedule for the Weekend-Dec 6th-8th

  • Bunks (Dorm style): $50/night (includes food on Saturday and Sunday). Bring your own linens.
  • Motel Style (includes linens): $65/night (includes food on Saturday and Sunday).
  • Bus expense (round trip): $45 (bus departs at 6:00 pm from the church building and will stop at Popeye’s chicken on the way to the campground).

Please see Sis. Vancol to register for the retreat.

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Marriage Enrichment

Saturday, October 5th: Soul Spice at Miami Gardens. 6 pm-Dinner, games, and fellowship activities. Please sign up to attend!

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Marriage Enrichment

A special thank you to the couples who attended the marriage enrichment dinner last night. May God continue to bless our marriages. More details to come on the next event!

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Security: Prevention Focus

For your safety, Miami Gardens has professional security for all assemblies and special events. The eldership is asking all members to add an additional $5 to your weekly offering to help cover the cost of this service.

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