Emergency Response Update – 3/18/2020

Attention Visitors and Brethren:
Please note in light of the novel coronavirus pandemic, Miami Gardens’ bible study classes and worship will be held remotely. We must continue to study and serve, yet wisely (Heb. 10:25; Matt. 10:16).

Our first Bible study begins tonight at 7:00 PM EST through the Zoom webinar platform. If you would like to attend, you should download the Zoom application at your earliest convenience.


To access tonight’s bible study class, go here:

To access Sunday morning Bible study and worship, go here:

Additional Announcements

  • More information to come on our online giving options. Saints need to continue give as we prosper (I Cor. 16:1-2; 2 Cor. 9:6-8).
  • Communion Supplies will be available for pickup at the building on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. More details on pickup times to be announced.If you are able to get your own supplies or pickup and deliver to others, that will assist us tremendously.

Keep the faith!

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Emergency Response Update – 3/14/2020

Attention Visitors and Brethren:
For your safety and well-being, we will ONLY have ONE scheduled assembly per week until further notice.

  • 9 AM Group Bible Study
  • 10 AM Worship
  • No Evening Service.
  • No Tuesday Class.
  • No Mid-Week Study.

Effective Sunday, March 15, all sections of the auditorium will be opened for general seating. No one has to sit too close to one another. It is imperative that members stay safe and worship weekly and give as they have prospered.

We will collect all members’ cell numbers and emails to create a general MGCC What’s App Group for general communication.

Please spread the word and keep the faith!

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Pantry Items Requested

  • Meats: Cut chicken, Ground beef, Neck-bones, Canned Tuna
  • Rice, White Potatoes, Spaghetti noodles
  • Mixed vegetables: frozen or canned
  • Beans & Peas in the can or dry
  • Corn frozen or canned.
  • Spaghetti sauce

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Funeral Services for Stonewall Jackson and Joanne Moorer

Friday, January 24th
Miami Gardens Church of Christ

Saturday, January 25th
Memorial Service
Miami Gardens Church of Christ

47 NW 49th Street

**The family is requesting food/drinks be prepared for 150 people. Chicken, Yellow Rice, and Green Beans. All items to be delivered to the repast location.**

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Congregational Input for 2020 Calendar

If YOU have any ideas for 2020 events, please write it down and submit to one of the elders. Your input is valued and appreciated.

Reminder: Each committee to put their 2020 DRAFT calendar of activities together to submit to the elders, no later than January 5th.

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