Ladies Day 2022 Planning

All sisters are asked to give a donation of $25 (please give to sis. Shaunice Herring). Please sign up for a committee at the welcome desk. Ladies, if any of your contact information has changed, please email updates to If you have any questions, please see sis. Herring or sis. Dowdell.

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Emergency Management Phase II

As of Sunday, September 20, 2020, limited in-person auditorium capacity (150 people; approx. 35% of capacity)

  • Mask Mandate
  • Sunday morning Bible Study and AM Worship at building only
  • Weekly Cleaning between services
  • All brothers who lead in worship must be in person

Spanish Congregation: Scheduled Assemblies
10 a.m. Bible study; 11 a.m. worship

Please visit with one another outside to minimize the noise in the hallway during their services.

Click here for our Zoom Information

Saints, we are continually upgrading our technology in the auditorium and Wi-Fi service. Thank you for your continued patience and stewardship as we share the gospel with the world.

The elders!

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What I Commit To in 2022

Action Required: Individual Commitment forms for 2022. Thank you to those who have already submitted their forms.

  • Specific: Your goal is direct, detailed, and meaningful.
  • Measurable: Your goal is quantifiable to track progress or success.
  • Attainable: Your goal is realistic and you have the tools and/or resources to attain it.
  • Relevant: Your goal aligns with your company mission.
  • Time-Based: Your goal has a deadline.

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In-Person Bible Classes Scheduled to Resume

Teachers: Brief teachers meeting, February 6, 2022, inclusive of, a classroom walkthrough to determine needs.

Willing Workers Needed: Teachers for Bible Class and Sisters to Work the Welcome Desk. Please contact an elder.

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MGCC Leadership Update

A very special thank you to Bro. Lindsey Baker, Jr. for his service as an elder. At the congregational meeting of June 6th, Bro. Baker stepped down from this office. The Barbara Baker Memorial Nursery will be renovated and unveiled in the future.

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