The Meanest Mother in the World

The perspective kids have is quite interesting. Instead of eating candy for breakfast; they have to have cereal, eggs and toast. When others had cokes and candy for lunch, they have to eat a sandwich. Their dinner is different from the other kids’ also.

Their mother’s insist upon knowing where they are all the time. Kids think they are on a chain gang. These moms had to know who there friends were and what we are doing. These “mean” moms insisted if the kids said we’d be gone an hour, that we be gone an hour or less, not one hour and one minute. These “mean” moms do not spare the rod; not only once, but each time we did as we pleased. Can you imagine someone actually hitting a child just because he
disobeyed? (Proverbs 22:15). Now you can begin to see how she really was.

These mean moms make sure their kids are in bed by a specific time each night and up early the next morning. No sleeping until noon like other kids. So while they slept these moms actually had the nerve to break the child labor law —they make the kids work…washing the dishes, making the beds, learning to cook and all sorts of cruel things. Kids think these moms lay awake at night thinking of mean things to do to them. So just when you think your “mean” woman was a complete failure as a mother.

Thank God for her helping you stay out of trouble and living a good life. When we look at our lives, we turned out OK! These mean mothers taught us to grow up into God-fearing, educated, honest adults (Proverbs 22:6). Using this as a background, may we raise our children the same way. Don’t regret being the parent God would have you to be.

Thank God for our Mothers…may their Godly legacies live on through us!

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