Just Christians (Part 2 of 2)

They lived godly lives. They cared for their poor. They taught others. They sent out preachers to teach others in far communities. With simplicity of faith and fervor there was no need of centralization. Without organized machinery, the gospel was preached to the whole of civilization in a short time (Colossians 1:23). These disciples of Christ were known as Christians (Acts 11:26; Acts 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16). They wore no sectarian names.

Their religion was not materialistic or sensual. They did not seek to impress men with pious ceremony, rather, they sought to impress God with the only thing that has ever impressed Him contrite obedience (2 Samuel 15:22). Their appeal was not social or recreational. They offered the gospel, for they knew it was God’s power to save (Romans 1:16), and any other appeal was beneath them.

Many sigh, “Oh, if only such could be today.” But it is! What is important, though, is that a group of such people meet here at Miami Gardens church of Christ and if you do not live here in Miami, it also exists within minutes of where you live.

We are just Christians. We worship and serve God in the same way the early disciples did. Christ is our only creed and the Scriptures our only guide. We are not members of any human organization; we are simply a congregation, or church of Christ.

We would love to share Christ with you and with the entire world.

For part 1 of this epistle, check out Just Christians (Part 1 of 2)

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