How Much Time?

An honest and sincere answer to the question of “how much time do I have left?” may just be one of the most important thoughts you could consider at this time. It might be of great benefit for you to switch your mind from the affairs of this life and think a little on the life that is to come. Calm and deliberate reflection on the next life may make a tremendous difference for you in that life.


  1. You should realize that THERE IS MORE TIME ON THE OTHER SIDE OF LIFE THAN THE MIND OF MAN CAN FATHOM and that eternity stretches far beyond the time that you spend here on earth. Your time may be running out here but it will never run out in eternity. Actually, the clock is ticking for all of us, but some have more time than others. It is certainly not wise to spend the balance of your time as if you were in an endless summer. Time will run out at some point for every person (Hebrews 9:27).
  2. You should realize that NO ONE KNOWS JUST HOW MUCH TIME REMAINS for you (1 Thessalonians 5:2). It may run out today or tomorrow or perhaps years from now. We just do not know! Since we do not know how much time may remain on my calendar, is it not wise, then, for me to prepare myself for the next life? (Matthew 16:26) 
  3. You should realize HOW FINAL IT WILL BE WHEN YOUR TIME DOES RUN OUT. Do not be deceived by false doctrine which would try to convince you that there is plenty of time left. Men admonish “to live it up because you only go around one time.” How true it is, that we only go around one time; but how foolish the advice to live it up. If you’re “living it up” when your time runs out, then, unfortunately, you will have lost your soul. The risk is not worth it. As you leave this life, so will you be for all eternity.
  4. You should realize that you ARE WRITING YOUR LIFE’S HISTORY, page by page and day by day. You never know how many pages remain in your book. You certainly will want your last page and chapter to be your best. The wise person is prepared to close his book at any time. He looks for the end and the coming of the Lord.
  5. You should realize the SERIOUSNESS OF BEING LOST IN ETERNITY.If you lose something here you may well have the opportunity to recover it. You may lose a five dollar bill and find another one just like it tomorrow, but this will not be true in regard to your soul. You have but one soul created in the image of God, so please don’t lose it (Ezekiel 18:20).

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